Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Pleasant Remembrances

Now when its finally done, I sit with my tea and look back, the memories of childhood, opening up the gift wrapper, eyes wide and heart pounding with excitement, in hopes of discovering that perfect gift. I still remember the time when I got a badminton racket on my birthday and how I cherished it for a long time. Even the gifts like pen set, Archies cards, a red dress etc. which I have held close to my heart. I stored most of my favorite gifts in my childhood. That wait we used to do to get our wish list to be gifted by every possible relative of the family. I still treasured some of the memories.
How we all remember collecting travel tickets, stamps, magnets, coins and put them all together in your personal journal? This one is the best of childhood memories, it seems so interesting now that I' m older.

Today is the time when I get little nostalgic. I always recall the magic of gifts, that excitement, the joy when I was a kid. Everything was so fresh and exhilarating that you we used to keep next to our pillows for nights. Birthday was and still is the most favorite occasion for everyone.
So now here I am with GIFTS BY MEETA and with the remembrance of our childhood past, those feelings, that excitement to give you once again the same enthusiasm of giving, getting and unwrapping a gift covered up with the emotions of your loved ones.

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